Who can satisfy my soul like You?
The first line to one of my favorite praise songs. The answer, no one or nothing. So why do I keep searching? Why do I long for what is tangible in my thoughts and beliefs, when all the while, God is more tangible than my wildest imagination. All I have to do is cry out to Him. He promised to never leave Me or forsake me. Every time the ground beneath me gets shaky, I worry, I get scared, I get totally stressed out. Why not talk it out with Him? I don't know. God wrote me a personal love letter when He penned the Bible. He wants to have a relationship with me. His relationship with me is the only thing that will ever truly satisfy me. He is a Jealous God and will not share me with any other god. God loves me so much that He sent his Son to die for me! Jesus knew no sin, yet suffered, bled and died and would have still if I was the only person on earth. How much better can I be told that I am loved by God?
I look around and I see so much evil, so much chaos and confusion, such overwhelming circumstances and life threatening to consume me and I automatically assume that I did something to get me there. Often times I did, but you know what? Not always. Sometimes it is the people around me. So what am I to do? I know that I am to examine myself to see if there is fault and if there is correct it. My problem is I tend to be too hard on myself and don't allow myself to be human at times. I have been thinking about what a friend said last night, that when we continually put ourselves down and don't like ourselves, we are saying that God didn't do a good job or that He made a mistake. WOW! God doesn't make mistakes and when He looks at me, because of my salvation, He sees Jesus.
So where to go from here? I think maybe I will actually try to talk to God. Try to form that relationship that He desires and that is the only thing that will satisfy my searching soul. Sure, maybe it will feel awkward at first, but that's kind of how friendships begin anyway, it's awkward talking to strangers, but eventually bonds are formed and hopefully lifelong relationships are begun.
Lord, I am so scared. I know that I should desire a relationship with You, but the truth is that I am scared of You and I have lost my "want to". I have grown up knowing You as only an Angry God that is ready to strike me down at any moment. Show me that You truly want me to come to You. Show me that I am to be convicted and not condemned. Draw me close to You and never let me go! Give me back my "want to" so that I can find the peace and joy that comes from only knowing You! Thank You that You never give up on me and You never leave me or forsake me. In Your Sweet Name I pray...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
No Room at the Inn...
While they were in Bethlehem, the time came for Mary to have the baby, and she gave birth to her first son. Because there were no rooms left in the inn, she wrapped the baby with pieces of cloth and laid him in a box where animals are fed. Luke 2:6-7
Okay, so the version I grew up with said that she wrapped him in swaddling clothes and placed him in a manger. Swaddling clothes, the clothes they used to clean animals with. Jesus was born into the most humble of circumstances. His father, Joseph, was by far not the most prominent man in Nazareth, yet God chose him to be Jesus's earthly father. Mary was not a wealthy girl, but was humble of heart and willing to do ANYTHING for the cause of Jesus so she was chosen to be his mother. I think it is pretty significant that Jesus was born into such humility. Being born to poor parents made Him someone even the poorest person could identify with, and ultimately becoming the King of all Kings helped the rich to identify with Him. He is living proof that the poor will be rich in Heaven. And who wouldn't want to forsake earthly treasure for the riches that God has in Heaven?
And why was Jesus wrapped in clothes that were meant to wash the animals and put in something that animals were fed from? All because the inn was full and the innkeeper was too busy collecting money to prepare a place for them. Sure, it was prophecy fulfilled, but the innkeeper certainly played a part in that fulfillment.
The part that sticks out in the whole Christmas Story for me the most, though, is that there was NO ROOM AT THE INN. It makes me think and wonder, do I have room for Jesus in my Spiritual Inn? My body is the temple for Christ, but is it so crowded with all the earthly junk and treasures, that there is no room for Jesus to enter in? The innkeeper was too busy to see that the child that was in the manger was the Messiah. I wonder if, like me, he later realized that he was so busy that he had sent Messiah to a shed? I wonder if he got so caught up that first Christmas Morning in all of his success and happiness, that he didn't realize that a miracle was taking place right before his very eyes? I wonder if in all of my struggles and problems and dirtiness that I have, do I forget to invite Jesus in my inn to help clean up? I think that sometimes I forget that Jesus is THE ANSWER and there is no other who can love me like Him. Jesus's Yoke is easy and His Burden, light. So why am I so reluctant to let Him in?
Father God, I thank You for THE MOST WONDROUS GIFT of Jesus that You sent down from Heaven over 2000 years ago. I thank You that You were willing to sacrifice Your only Son so that I could live with You for eternity. Help me to remember this Christmas and always that perfect gift. Help me to refrain from letting my inn get too full. In your sweet name I pray...
Okay, so the version I grew up with said that she wrapped him in swaddling clothes and placed him in a manger. Swaddling clothes, the clothes they used to clean animals with. Jesus was born into the most humble of circumstances. His father, Joseph, was by far not the most prominent man in Nazareth, yet God chose him to be Jesus's earthly father. Mary was not a wealthy girl, but was humble of heart and willing to do ANYTHING for the cause of Jesus so she was chosen to be his mother. I think it is pretty significant that Jesus was born into such humility. Being born to poor parents made Him someone even the poorest person could identify with, and ultimately becoming the King of all Kings helped the rich to identify with Him. He is living proof that the poor will be rich in Heaven. And who wouldn't want to forsake earthly treasure for the riches that God has in Heaven?
And why was Jesus wrapped in clothes that were meant to wash the animals and put in something that animals were fed from? All because the inn was full and the innkeeper was too busy collecting money to prepare a place for them. Sure, it was prophecy fulfilled, but the innkeeper certainly played a part in that fulfillment.
The part that sticks out in the whole Christmas Story for me the most, though, is that there was NO ROOM AT THE INN. It makes me think and wonder, do I have room for Jesus in my Spiritual Inn? My body is the temple for Christ, but is it so crowded with all the earthly junk and treasures, that there is no room for Jesus to enter in? The innkeeper was too busy to see that the child that was in the manger was the Messiah. I wonder if, like me, he later realized that he was so busy that he had sent Messiah to a shed? I wonder if he got so caught up that first Christmas Morning in all of his success and happiness, that he didn't realize that a miracle was taking place right before his very eyes? I wonder if in all of my struggles and problems and dirtiness that I have, do I forget to invite Jesus in my inn to help clean up? I think that sometimes I forget that Jesus is THE ANSWER and there is no other who can love me like Him. Jesus's Yoke is easy and His Burden, light. So why am I so reluctant to let Him in?
Father God, I thank You for THE MOST WONDROUS GIFT of Jesus that You sent down from Heaven over 2000 years ago. I thank You that You were willing to sacrifice Your only Son so that I could live with You for eternity. Help me to remember this Christmas and always that perfect gift. Help me to refrain from letting my inn get too full. In your sweet name I pray...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Consider it Pure Joy...
(James 1:1-4 NIV) James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations: Greetings. {2} Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, {3} because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. {4} Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything
Okay, so today is one of those days I can't help but think. Not that I don't think every day, but you know, one of those deep thinking days. I have been asking God what the purpose is in suffering. I have family members that are facing some tough trials, friends that are facing seemingly incurable illnesses, friends that are going through nasty horrible divorces, some friends and family that have lost jobs, and some that have gone astray from God all together because of what they thought was a hopeless situation. Life just seems hard for so many right now and so unfair by human standards.
So, what have I come up with? Well, first thing that happened was these verses were called to mind by the Holy Spirit. Consider it pure joy? How in the world are you supposed to consider it joy? When life is going along great and all of a sudden you hit a big pothole and life as you once knew it is changed for a length of time and possibly forever for what seems like the worse, you are supposed to Praise God and rejoice? Okay, I don't know about you, but for me, it has to be a choice and a major one at that, to choose joy no matter what the circumstance. A friend told me today that she chooses to cling to the truth that God has the greater plan in suffering. Truth is, God's plan is always greater and better, but not always by our human standards. Our minds are so finite and we cannot grasp His plans for hope and future, plans to prosper us. We have to CHOOSE to cling to Him.
In the Beth Moore Study of Daniel, I learned that sometimes you have to be refined through the fire. Makes me think of a silversmith working with silver. The fire has to get really hot and he has to keep stirring to see his reflection before the piece is complete. I wonder if that is what is happening? I wonder if God is stirring the pot so He can see His reflection in us? I wonder if we will choose to allow Him to work with us now, or if we have to be continually melted down so He can again begin stirring our pot to bring something beautiful out of us, something good? I wonder how long we will allow ourselves to end up in a pit? I wonder...
Consider it pure joy...that's what we have to do. Life happens and trials happen and life is not always easy, but God is at work and Praise Him that His Ways are not our ways. Praise Him that He never leaves us or forsakes us...
Father God, You are the Potter and I am the clay. If it takes trials and suffering to make me what You want me to be, make me the willing vessel to be molded to reflect Your Image. In your sweet name I pray...
Okay, so today is one of those days I can't help but think. Not that I don't think every day, but you know, one of those deep thinking days. I have been asking God what the purpose is in suffering. I have family members that are facing some tough trials, friends that are facing seemingly incurable illnesses, friends that are going through nasty horrible divorces, some friends and family that have lost jobs, and some that have gone astray from God all together because of what they thought was a hopeless situation. Life just seems hard for so many right now and so unfair by human standards.
So, what have I come up with? Well, first thing that happened was these verses were called to mind by the Holy Spirit. Consider it pure joy? How in the world are you supposed to consider it joy? When life is going along great and all of a sudden you hit a big pothole and life as you once knew it is changed for a length of time and possibly forever for what seems like the worse, you are supposed to Praise God and rejoice? Okay, I don't know about you, but for me, it has to be a choice and a major one at that, to choose joy no matter what the circumstance. A friend told me today that she chooses to cling to the truth that God has the greater plan in suffering. Truth is, God's plan is always greater and better, but not always by our human standards. Our minds are so finite and we cannot grasp His plans for hope and future, plans to prosper us. We have to CHOOSE to cling to Him.
In the Beth Moore Study of Daniel, I learned that sometimes you have to be refined through the fire. Makes me think of a silversmith working with silver. The fire has to get really hot and he has to keep stirring to see his reflection before the piece is complete. I wonder if that is what is happening? I wonder if God is stirring the pot so He can see His reflection in us? I wonder if we will choose to allow Him to work with us now, or if we have to be continually melted down so He can again begin stirring our pot to bring something beautiful out of us, something good? I wonder how long we will allow ourselves to end up in a pit? I wonder...
Consider it pure joy...that's what we have to do. Life happens and trials happen and life is not always easy, but God is at work and Praise Him that His Ways are not our ways. Praise Him that He never leaves us or forsakes us...
Father God, You are the Potter and I am the clay. If it takes trials and suffering to make me what You want me to be, make me the willing vessel to be molded to reflect Your Image. In your sweet name I pray...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
So, as I was thinking about her happiness and about Buddy this morning, I tried to think of things that brought me joy and happiness. Family and friends were at the top of my list, followed by an unexpected card or letter in the mail, and then of course all the little things that money can buy. But, then I got to thinking, those things are only temporal, fleeting, passing. My joy should come from knowing that Jesus died for me and that I am going to spend eternity in Heaven because He loves me so. Such a hard concept for me to grasp, why He would love me so, why if I was the only one here he still would have died on that Old Rugged Cross for me! Even still, so true! The love of God is forever, never fleeting, never passing. His Joy is to be our strength! Sorrow only lasts for a night and then Joy comes in the Morning! What better gift can we receive but the salvation and love that comes from knowing Jesus? What greater Joy can we find? I would be quick to say without a doubt that the answer is NONE! So today I am thankful for little Buddy because he has helped me to remember where my joy comes from, where my hope lies, and what my happiness is in!
Father God, thank you for Maddie and for Buddy. Thank you for all of the little things that remind me that my joy and my strength and my peace can only be found in You. In Your Sweet Name I pray...
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