Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Back to School?

Well, it's an idea I have been tossing around in my head for a while now-whether or not to finish school. I started to West Georgia College in 1995 straight out of Newnan High School. I had hopes and dreams of becoming a teacher. After starting college, I decided to change my major to Psychology because I was fascinated by other people's problems and how Psychology answered them. It was not long after I started my first couple of courses, however, that I realized that it was difficult to mix Psychology and God. Not impossible, mind you, but difficult. I knew it wasn't my calling to say the least. So, I changed back to Early Childhood Education. That was it, I had made my decision, or so I thought. In the Fall of 2003, I took an Intro to Special Ed class and fell in love with the occupation. How precious to God and everyone else the children I worked with are! And you know what, they needed love and I have plenty to give. So, there you have it, I changed my major to Special Education that Fall, with the intent of going back to school full time in the Spring to finish with my Bachelor's Degree. Little did I know, God had other plans for wonderful child number two to come into our lives and Michael Andrew Ellsworth was born on November 5, 2004. Now that Andrew is a little older and starting school next Fall, I am praying about going back to school once again to finish what I started. If all goes well and it is in God's Plan, I will finish in a couple of years and become the teacher I always dreamed of being! Until then, I am continuing to volunteer and mentor in the school where Maddie attends Second Grade. As of today, though, I put in a couple of questions in hopes of getting a lead on financial aid and readmission.
Oh, and in case you haven't figured it out, the picture is of Michael, my husband and Andrew, my son. Now you can get an idea of where my children get their height from. :)

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