Monday, January 26, 2009

Shut Thee Up...

Okay, I know the title is kinda strange, but stick with me for a minute. I had the awesome privilege, (did I mention awesome?) to see the live recording of the Travis Cottrell Concert at First Baptist Church of Woodstock last night. Beth Moore was there and in one of the three times she spoke, she spoke of when Peter saw Jesus, Moses, and Elijah on the mountain, the Transfiguration I think. She talked about how Peter was a talker and how he was knowledgeable and how he knew right away from his studies who Moses and Elijah were. She said he only had one problem, he talked to Jesus more than he listened to Him. She said that she thought maybe at some point, Jesus might want to look at him and say, "Shut thee up and listen". How simple yet so profound!!!

I wonder myself how many times in my life I am trying to take control of the situation, how many times Jesus is speaking to me saying this is where we are going to go, yet I am busy telling Him where I am going to go instead. I wonder how many times He just wants to look at me and say, "Kimberly, Shut Thee Up!" Sometimes I just get so proud of myself, thinking I have God and different situations figured out, so I try to do it my way (which I think is His Way) and it fails. I wonder how many times, in the midst of my pride, in the midst of my struggles, there is that Still Small Voice whispering, "Shut Thee Up?"

Father God, You gave me two ears and one mouth and I have always heard it is so that I will listen more than I talk. Lord, I am so guilty of talking to You and not listening to what You have to say. Help me, Lord, to let go of my pride and my thought that I have finally figured You out and just "Shut Thee Up". In your sweet name I pray...


UL Cards Fan said...

Wonderful post Kimberly. From a fellow talker!


Laura said...


Great post!!

Thank you for your sweet heart and being open to what God has in store.

Kim in NC said...

Ok, I love the title!

Simple to say and to hear, but why so hard to do. This is the second time the word simple has come up for me lately when talking about doing God's will...hmmmm!

So glad you had a great time!

Love ya',

Kim said...

Good post Kimberly.
love ya to the stars,
Kim (PK)