Friday, January 16, 2009

Touch The Hem

"One Touch". One of my absolute favorite songs by Nichole C. Mullen. All about the woman who was ostracized because of her issue of blood. I got an e-mail from a friend yesterday, actually a forward about that same woman. The topic was "Just Desperate Enough". It was all about how the woman was in the crowd of thousands the day that Jesus came to her town and how she reached out and touched the hem of his robe because she KNEW that through his touch, she would receive healing. She didn't care that she had been excluded from society for twelve years, didn't care that the people in the crowd thought she was not worthy of their presence, she knew that Jesus could heal her.

The devotional talked about how we do things in desperation to survive. In the woman's case, her choice out of her desperation was absolutely the right one and from it she received complete healing. I wonder though, how many are like me and have made some wrong choices? I wonder how many have been so desperate they turn to other bad things to bring temporary comfort hoping it will last just a little bit longer than the last time or hoping maybe it will be different this time? I wonder how many people have turned to those things in desperation to try to solve another issue, and gotten so deep into the new issue that now they have two to deal with instead of the original one? I wonder how long it will take for people like me to get the courage to not care what other people think for once, to ignore insecurity and look up to the ONE and ONLY ONE that can take away the desperation and provide healing once and for all? Every time I think I have the courage, anxiety just slaps me in the face again and I fail.

Now, I am going to ask God for the courage to stand again. I know that I can't, but He can. I know that I am not alone because He promised to never leave me nor forsake me.

Father God, I thank you for desperation. I thank you for allowing me to get to the point that there is truly no where to look but up. God, You tell me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. God, help me to remember that. Help me to remember that You died for me. Help me to remember that no matter what the world may say, You made me and "You don't make no junk". God keep me a willing vessel. Lord, keep me willing to be broken and poured out so that I can be filled with You. I know it will take some work, Lord, but I am willing if You are willing to use me. Here I am...Lord, send me. In Your Sweet Name I Pray...


UL Cards Fan said...

Great words again Kimberly. Keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

Oh Kimberly, i have tears in my eyes reading your post.
i know exactly where you are coming from,as i am there myself and am standing along side you, praying for you!!!

love you!!