Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lord, Don't Move That Mountain...

Lord don't move that mountain
Just give me strength to climb.
For if You move that mountain,
I might grow weaker every time.

Probably not the exact words but words to a chorus I remember hearing a lady sing in church as a kid. The words just kinda popped into my head. Don't ya just love it that happens? Somewhere in Psalm 40 it says that "God put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to my God". I believe that is exactly what happens when my heart gets heavy and confused, God puts a song in my mouth and on my heart so that I can again look up.

As this little chorus came into my head, I was taken back to a conversation I had with a friend about a week ago where she brought up the point of how blessed we truly are in America. How as Americans we don't "Need" God like people in other countries do. We have so much, we are spoiled to the point that we forget that God is the "Giver of all good things". So what does it take for us to turn to Him? Well, unfortunately, sometimes it takes Him putting a mountain in our path so that we will turn to Him for the strength to climb it. And, if He moved it as I know He could, we would never develop the desire to follow after Him and seek Him.

Thanking God today for the mountains in my life. They are full of rich nutrients and when I am in the valleys, God sends a rain to wash those nutrients down to me. Lord, don't move the mountains, just give me the strength daily to climb.


LisaShaw said...

I can hear your heart in this dear sister. I'm praying for you.

Blessings and peace.

Unknown said...

WOW, it was by chance that i found your blog - i'm from germany and so glad that you make your most honest and even private thoughts and prayers public, so that i am encouraged in faith by your blog-entries - thousands of kilometers away . . . thank you for doing this! during the reading, i'm just feeling so happy because you write about all those things that occupy me - naturally fear is included. but it's like balm on my soul that you can express these thoughts in such an appropriate way that i simply can pray wholeheartedly in YOUR words.
may you receive so much blessing - the Lord is on our side - in GOD we trust! greetings from germany, Eva (18 years)

LisaShaw said...

Hi Kimberly, I left you a reply on my Living Fit Life blog. Bless you dear one.