Monday, September 29, 2008

Praise You in this Storm...

A wise friend recently told me that when you are caught in a valley between two mountains and it starts to rain, that God is washing the nutrients from the mountaintop down into the valley to help with growth. Apparently that is true in gardening, but oh, how true it is in life as well. Right now, I feel like I am caught in the valley between mountains with no strength to climb either one. Could it be that God is trying to nourish and feed me so that I will grow? Could it be that He wants me to just "Be Still" or to "Sit Down, Shut Up, and Let Go?" I think it is in human nature to always want to be on the mountaintop. After all, pain and suffering are not among the pleasantries in life, but often they are the places where we tend to seek God the most. Why do we wait until we hit that bump in the road to seek His Face?

My heart today sings, "Though my heart is torn, I will praise You in this storm." Oh, how I want to praise God no matter what life throws my way. After all, God is a jealous God and loves to hear His Name Praised. So far in my life, there have been many twists and turns and uncertainties and pains, but God has been there all along and has protected me with His Plan in mind. So, if I know that He's always been there, why am I so afraid He will turn from me now?

Jeremiah 29:11-For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.

Father God, help me today to KNOW that You plan to prosper me. God help me to know that there is HOPE even in the darkest valleys. Help me to see the growth and receive Your Nutrients that come from Your Word. Help me to KNOW that you will never harm me and that You will never leave me or forsake me. In Your Sweet Name I pray...


Sheryl said...

What a wise friend you have. Really do love that analogy. We need to draw from those mountaintop experiences when we are in the valley. It is in the valley though that we do the most growing. Painful as it might be. He trusts you enough to allow you to go through these things. He knows you will prove faithful. Look how far you have come instead of focusing on far you think you have to go.

Love to you-
Sheryl (why am I awake at 2:20 am)

UL Cards Fan said...

Kimberly, Your BLOG is great. Loved the Cheerleader post. I never got to be a cheerleader in high school but now we can all be cheerleaders here as we encourage each other and share our joys and sorrows.